Fluid Systems Engineering & Management Blog | Swagelok NorCal

We can't change the tax laws, but we can give you a break on training

Written by Jeff Hopkins | 3/25/15 3:00 PM

On April 15th, we're offering our two-hour Tube Fitting Safety Seminar for only $15 each instead of $149

Join us Wednesday, April 15th at our Tax day special $15 Tube Fitting Safety Seminar. Space is limited. Sign up now! »

As you sweat over your taxes this month, Swagelok Northern California wants to give your company a break: Two solid hours of professional training, plus lunch, for only $15. We figured that since we can't give you a tax deduction directly, we'd do it by lopping $134 off the standard cost.

Think about it: Corporate tax rates vary from 15 to 35 percent. To cut your company's taxes by $134 you'd have to come up with anywhere from $383 to $893 worth of deductions. We give you the same result without having to fill out any IRS forms.

Such a deal

Even if you don't like to think about taxes (neither do we), think about how far $15 would normally stretch. You'd be lucky to get four lattes or a pair of movie tickets. It won't even cover an oil change.

But during April, that same $15 will get something of real value for your company.

Tube fitting class

First, there's our Swagelok Tube Fitting Safety Seminar. We call it a safety seminar because failure to properly install a tube fitting can pose real hazards. Our fittings are sometimes used in lines supplying toxic gasses to machinery. A bad seal exposes people to dangerous fumes. Some of our fittings are used in lines that run caustic chemicals. A leak can damage other equipment and cost thousands of dollars for repair. Even a simple water leak could lead someone to slip and fall.

While it's not difficult to properly install a Swagelok tube fitting, not everyone gets the message or remembers it. When we ask people in our training class to describe the right way to do it, we often get a lot of different answers. Maybe they were taught the wrong technique years ago, or maybe after years of doing the job the installation instructions have been forgotten. One of the biggest temptations is to tighten the fitting "by feel." Our April 15 class includes hands-on demonstrations showing why that's the wrong approach. (By the way, can you name all the components in a Swagelok tube fitting?)

We offer the training seminar monthly, but we've never offered it at $15 each. Sign up now, and then you can get back to those IRS forms.

Tube bending class

One day later, on April 16, we'll hold our Tube Bending Seminar. Good tube fabrication techniques can improve system performance and enhance the quality of a system. This skill often is passed on from craftsman to apprentice. That's great if you are learning from someone who really knows what he's doing. But how can you be sure he does?

With Swagelok's two-hour class, there's no guesswork. Again, the basics of tube bending are not difficult to grasp. But there's a lot more to learn than just bending a tube. For instance, it's important to be able to calculate the exact length of tubing you need for the job. Some companies have to scrap thousands of dollars of tubing each year because somebody couldn't get it right on the first try.

Since it is no longer tax day, you won’t get a tax break on this class, but at only $149 each (lunch included), you will quickly recoup the cost in productivity and scrap reduction. Sign up now!

Additional Resources

Steam Training - Pharmaceutical Focus Swagelok Tube Fitter's Toolbox