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Ensuring Accurate Results in Analytical Instrumentation, Part 1

Understanding and Measuring Time Delay

Sampling-MeasuringTimeDelay (1)Time delay in sample systems is the most common cause of inappropriate results from process analyzers. Download this article to learn best practices.

Process measurements are instantaneous, but analyzer responses never are. From the tap to the analyzer, there is always a delay. Unfortunately, this time delay is often underestimated or not accounted for or understood. Time delay in sample systems is the most common cause of inappropriate results from process analyzers.

In many cases, it is invisible to analyzer specialists and technicians, who are focused on the necessity of making the sample suitable for the analyzer. It is not unusual for analyzer specialists to assume that the analytical measurement is instantaneous. In fact, sample systems often fail to achieve the industry standard of a one-minute response. As a general rule, it’s always best.

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