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Swagelok Northern California
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Top Sample Bomb Assembly Services for Northern California Refineries

Learn more about how Swagelok Northern California can customize an assembly to fit your needs.

At Swagelok Northern California, we understand how critical gas and vapor sampling is to inform process requirements, comply with environmental regulations, and maintain operator safety. It is essential for chemical and petrochemical refineries to have an effective and efficient method to obtain representative gas and vapor samples and safely transport them to a laboratory for analysis.

image1-4Chemical and petrochemical refineries faced with the challenge of accommodating changes in process conditions may require sample bomb upgrades to include more resilient materials of constructions or additional componentry. Whether you simply need a spare sample bomb or need to upgrade to accommodate changes in gas bomb sampling procedures, it is crucial to have local access to provide a quick turnaround.

As a local, trusted sample bomb assembly expert, Swagelok Northern California is your best choice to provide quick and local access to sample bomb assemblies that can: 

  • Promote operator safety
  • Provide representative and reliable samples
  • Provide ease of use and cleaning
  • Accommodate challenging process conditions
  • Comply with DOT and TPED transportation standards
  • Prevent sample leakage 

Swagelok Sample Bomb Assembly Services: Local, Reliable, High-Quality

Our certified Field Engineers have a deep understanding of local challenges and regulations and have experience with gas and vapor sampling applications in petrochemical and chemical refineries. They are readily available to perform an onsite consultation to understand your process and suggest customized solutions to meet your specific sampling requirements.

We can help you determine proper materials of construction, valves, quick connects, and accessories to provide you with the gas and vapor sampling reliability you need.

Find out how Swagelok Northern California can help you customize sample bomb assemblies based on unique specifications.


Your Sample Bomb Assembly Service Partner: Swagelok Northern California

Headquartered in Fremont, with will call locations in Santa Clara and Concord, we can provide you with gas and vapor sample bombs and sampling accessories at a moment’s notice. As your local partner, we do more than provide you with the equipment and components you need—we offer ongoing technical support, onsite consultation and engineering, and maintenance strategy guidance. 

At Swagelok Northern California, we combine our superior component quality with all of the best practices for gas and vapor sampling. Our certified assembly teams continue to meet the sample bomb assembly needs of Northern California refineries.

To find out more about how Swagelok Northern California can help you improve your gas and vapor sampling reliability and safety through expert consultation and sample bomb assembly services, contact our team today by calling 510-933-6200.

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Grab Sampling Systems

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Grab Sampling Assembly Services

We understand the criticality of grab sampling system assembly services when your refinery is running 24/7/365.



Custom Assembly Services

Contact our team today and learn more about our custom system designs and layouts.


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