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Swagelok Northern California

Sampling system best practices

Browse videos and downloads on analytical instrumentation.

Ensuring an Accurate Result in an Analytical Instrumentation System, Part 1--MEASURING TIME DELAY
Process measurements are instantaneous, but analyzer responses never are. From the tap to the analyzer, there is always a delay. That delay in sample systems is the most common cause of inappropriate results from process analyzers.
Ensuring an Accurate Result in an Analytical Instrumentation System, Part 2--CALIBRATING THE ANALYZER
To calibrate an analyzer, a calibration fluid of known contents and quantities is passed through the analyzer. If the resulting measurements don't match the known quantities in the calibration fluid, the analyzer must be adjusted accordingly.
Ensuring an Accurate Result in an Analytical Instrumentation System, Part 3--MAINTAINING A SAMPLE
If you want your analytical instrumentation system to give a reliable picture of the fluid in the process line, you need a good sample. If the sample gets altered anywhere in the process, the data from the analyzer won't be useful.
Understanding Time Delay: Four Main Areas to Inspect--REDUCING BOTTLENECKS
There is always a delay between the moment you grab a sample and the time you get a reading from your process analyzer. You might assume your time delay is one minute, which is the industry benchmark. But if your assumption is way off, your readings may no longer be relevant.
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Using a Regulator to Reduce Time Delay in an Analytical System--SPEEDING UP A SAMPLE
We've written about the many causes of time delay in sample systems, and how that can hurt the results that come out of an analyzer. The industry standard to aim for is one minute from the process line to the analyzer, but many potential delays lurk along the way. View some tips.
How to Manage Vaporization in an Analytical System--TIPS ON VAPORIZATION
If your sample is liquid and the analyzer in your analytical system requires gas, the only option is to convert the liquid to gas. With vaporization, also known as flash vaporization, you aim to turn all the liquid into vapor instantly—without changing the composition.
Why Sampling Systems Haven't Improved: Three Main Reasons--AN ONGOING CHALLENGE
In the past 50 years, process analyzers of all kinds have gotten better and better, but sampling systems haven't. Many don't even fulfill their intended purpose, which is to deliver an uncontaminated, representative sample to the analyzer without excessive time delay.
Whitepaper: Ten Sampling System Mistakes Harming Your Operation
Some mistakes are easy to spot, such as a fast loop flowing backward. Others are a matter of making the right adjustments in pressure and temperature. Still others have to do with failing to make sure that the materials in your components are properly matched to your sample fluid.
Grab Sampling Systems Application Guide
Details on 15 standard grab sample panel designs, a product selection matrix, and more
Resources Collection: Measurement Devices
Handpicked collection of information on this product line, including Swagelok catalogs
Resources Collection: Sample Cylinders
Handpicked collection of information on this product line, including Swagelok catalogs
Excerpt of the Industrial Sampling Systems Book
Sampling systems expert Tony Waters and Swagelok have created a comprehensive reference, Industrial Sampling Systems, covering the engineering involved with designing and operating a sampling system for a process analyzer. You can download a free excerpt here.
Process Analyzer Sampling System Training (PASS)
Brochure: Process Analyzer Sampling System Training (PASS Class)
In this 5-day course you'll practice designing, building, maintaining, and troubleshooting process analyzer sampling systems. Earn a signed Swagelok Certificate of Completion. Receive a copy of the book Industrial Sampling Systems by Tony Waters.
Brochure: Sampling System Problem Solving & Maintenance Training
In 2 days, learn how to troubleshoot a variety of common sampling system issues from the process line through sample disposal.
Resource Collection: Smart Products & Systems
Smart products capture flow, temperature, and pressure of process samples. Swagelok offers the Intelligent Control Module, Digital Valve Control Module, PTX Series, and PTX Series. View photos and info then get a handpicked collection of resources on this product line, including Swagelok catalogs.

Swagelok Sampling System Training

Plants have few individuals with expertise in sampling systems. Here Tony Waters discusses Swagelok training in process analyzer sampling systems.


Sampling System Problems

Tony Waters and Phil Harris talk about which process analyzer sampling system problems they've seen often crop up in their decades of work.


Swagelok Grab Sample Panels

Meet Swagelok grab sampling systems: this cost-effective local solution starts with one of our 15 standard designs.

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Swagelok Grab Sample Services

Enter the Grab Sampling Matrix: how you can use Swagelok Northern California to quickly get a tailored, reliable system.


Slides: Pre-Engineered Subsystems

Part of our PrESS resources collection, the slides from this technical briefing address the role of standardized subsystems in process analyzer systems.


Bring Intelligence to Your Sampling System

Learn about remote collection and delivery of sampling system data to a centralized location.


Swagelok Stream Selector System

Learn about a modular assembly designed for sampling systems that provides double-block-and-bleed (DBB) operation in a single compact module.


Standard Gas Panel

Learn about the GSM's switching valve that directs flow.


Standard Liquid Panel

General use for liquid sampling. Purge option (using gas or a solvent) clears fluid before and/or after sample collection.


Standard Gas Panel with Purge

General use for gas sampling. Purge option clears sample gas before and/or after sample collection.


Fixed Volume Continuous Flow with Purge, Liquid

Purge option clears sample fluid from the sample transport lines.


View more resources

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