Sampling System Evaluation
Expert Analysis from Process Tap to Analyzer
It has long been speculated that sampling systems account for 80 percent of all analytical instrumentation problems. Swagelok field engineers can help you improve sampling system reliability with expert, in-depth analysis of every component and subsystem, from tap to analyzer.
We invite you to explore your options and potential value from our evaluation and advisory services. Please click a button and share a little information so we can assist you. Please use the button to start a job or get details, or call 510-933-6200.
Local, connected sampling system specialists
Swagelok is both global and local, and as a customer of Swagelok Northern California you directly benefit from advanced expertise in and outside our region. Swagelok Northern California’s local field engineers can handpick a team to serve you, drawing on Swagelok’s global network of connected field engineers and analytical instrumentation experts. This network has included the likes of Tony Waters, acknowledged by many as the leading expert in the design of sampling systems and author of the authoritative book Industrial Sampling Systems. Videos below highlight some of the value we offer.
Reducing time delay
A poor estimate or wrong assumption about time delay in a sampling system can result in inadequate process control. Swagelok field engineers can help your team determine the causes of your system’s time delay and adjust your sampling system design.
Improving analyzer compatibility
The right process analyzer can make a world of difference in the effectiveness of your sampling system. We’ll help you find the right analyzer technology for your sampling system to ensure your system consistently delivers a positive return-on-investment (ROI).
Obtaining more representative samples
Design flaws can lead to your sample not accurately representing its process or even distorting the chemical composition of your sample in an unintended way. Swagelok field engineers can help you obtain a more representative sample to ensure the measurement meets control objectives.
We offer comprehensive local grab sampling support, including configuring, testing, and delivering Swagelok grab sample panels. We discuss this more in the Design & Assembly Services section.
What to expect
Often things progress as follows:
1. Consulting
Starting with a meeting or phone conversation, we gather information to understand the problem or goal. We want to learn about our customer's application, operations, and current challenge. Then we recommend next steps and provide a quote, if applicable.
2. Inspection
While onsite, we document your existing systems, looking for ways to eliminate causes of poor sample quality, such as blockage or moisture carryover; reduce required maintenance and analyzer downtime by optimizing system design, including proper probe design and tap location; and resolve issues caused by high particulate loads by implementing filter and separator best practices and calculating sample transport times.
3. Analysis
Working with data and observations made onsite, we quantify each issue's impact on your operation. Assessments reflect a range of considerations, such as issue location, issue severity, estimated cost of issue; as well as potential effect on safety, emissions, system reliability/production capacity, and product quality.
4. Delivery
We deliver a report summarizing what we evaluated, issues observed, and our recommendations; and addressing each issue in detail. Details include but are not limited to the root cause, exact location/tag ID, and how to resolve the issue. Our customer gets as much time as they need to discuss the findings.
What customers receive
Our Field Engineering team is prepared to assist at every step. We work closely with each customer to ensure we understand the problem and develop the optimal solution. So whether you have specific services in mind or need a hand identifying the best course of action, you receive:
- Service from local certified Swagelok experts
- Collaborative planning
- Meticulous inspection (in person or virtual)
- Detailed documentation, often including photos
- Detail on each issue including root cause
- Estimated impact of each issue
- Specific advice on mitigating each issue
- Discussion of findings and recommendations
Pairing Onsite Services and Assembly Services
Customers get extra value when they use both our Onsite Services and Assembly Services. During an onsite evaluation, a Swagelok field engineer gathers data on your existing, installed systems and delivers detailed information on how to improve it.
If you like, our team can go a step further and advise on using a Swagelok custom solution to solve a problem. We are glad to estimate the savings and other benefits from a custom solution, and handle fluid system design and assembly if you opt for it.

Periodic reassessment recommended
Consider repeating this evaluation at intervals. In addition to pinpointing any new issues, periodic evaluations render objective assessment of progress on known issues. Continuity is especially important as the facility's most knowledgeable team members reach retirement age. Reassessment is important too when there are changes to process conditions, energy costs, or production goals. And, each engagement is an opportunity to address specific topics in more detail with Swagelok field engineers who have a strong baseline understanding of your operation.

About Swagelok Northern California
Since 1963, Swagelok Northern California has provided thousands of manufacturers, processors, suppliers, and innovators with Swagelok fluid system products and expertise. Over 100 engineers, technicians, trainers, and other professionals make up our local team. With that expertise and $25M worth of Swagelok products in our three local warehouses, we are ready to help you run safe, cost-effective operations.
About Swagelok Company
Established in 1947, Swagelok Company is a global company headquartered in Solon, Ohio. It has 20 manufacturing facilities, 6 global technical centers, and a network of 225 sales and service centers in 70 countries employing thousands of associates.
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