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Swagelok Springless Diaphragm Valves

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Swagelok Northern California Resource Collections 440x340 (2) (1)Swagelok offers springless diaphragm valves for ultrahigh purity applications, modular gas systems, semi manufacturing, and more. Fill the form on this page to get a collection of resources on this product line, including Swagelok catalogs and test reports on these types of valves. We keep your email private.

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Springless Diaphragm Valves for High Performance (DP Series)

Suitable for ultrahigh-purity applications due to 316L VIM-VAR stainless steel body; low-pressure and high-pressure models; 
VCR®, tube butt weld, and modular surface-mount (MSM) end connections; and manual or pneumatic actuation.

High-Flow Springless Diaphragm Valves (DF Series)

Suitable for ultra-high purity applications due to 316L VAR stainless steel body; working pressures up to 300 psig (20.6 bar); multiport and multivalve manifold configurations; and 1/4, 3/8, 1/2 in. end connections.

Replaceable-Seat Springless Diaphragm Valves (DPX/DFX Series)

Suited for semiconductor chemical cannister applications due to 316L VIM-VAR stainless steel body material; isolation and 3-port configurations; 1/4 and 3/8 in. tube butt weld and 1/4 in. VCR® and "H"Type end connections; and choice of standard and high-flow models.

Atomic Layer Deposition Diaphragm Valves (ALD Series)

Ultrahigh cycle life with high-speed actuation; Cv range from 0.27 to 0.62; up to 392°F (200°C) capability with thermal actuators; electronic actuator position-sensing option; suitable for ultrahigh-purity applications with 316L VIM-VAR stainless steel; VCR®, tube butt weld, and 1.125 in. and 1.5 in. modular surface-mount end connection.


Springless Diaphragm Valves for Modular Gas Systems (DE Series)

1.125 in. C-seal and W-seal designs; available in two- and three-port configurations; compact pneumatic and manual actuators; fully contained PFA seat design; up to one million cycles; competitive cost, plus total lower cost of ownership.

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