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Grab Sampling Systems

Tour this section to see designs, ways to customize, and more

Standard Designs

Swagelok offers 15 standard grab sample panel designs. Any of them can be easily customized to your specific process requirements. Don't worry about adjusting samples due to a system limitation—we correctly configure it right from the start.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis ac lorem vel lectus finibus placerat. Vivamus nec elementum orci, a sagittis libero. Fusce egestas augue ante, eu luctus magna convallis eu. Donec eget nibh ut orci lobortis imperdiet. Donec pellentesque quam a nulla eleifend tempus. Quisque facilisis iaculis nibh in elementum. Mauris porta cursus ante in dictum.

Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Quisque dolor magna, fringilla congue tempor eget, tempus ut ipsum. Maecenas feugiat erat at velit tempor commodo. Donec iaculis pharetra ligula eu pellentesque. Suspendisse venenatis nulla leo, eu porttitor leo aliquet eu. Praesent luctus mi a imperdiet egestas. Phasellus bibendum tincidunt ultricies. Sed vestibulum eros turpis, ac venenatis orci lacinia ac. Aliquam semper scelerisque libero, nec lobortis mi tristique quis. Quisque eget blandit purus.

Praesent ultricies felis ac molestie dignissim. Sed eu ornare ante, id pellentesque lectus. Nullam dapibus dapibus nisl, et volutpat justo mattis vitae. Sed placerat laoreet nisi. Proin mollis lorem felis, sed consequat felis cursus eget. Proin aliquam augue porta diam dictum, a porta ipsum consectetur. Sed eget cursus erat. Phasellus id imperdiet tortor, eget semper purus. Donec sagittis elit in rutrum eleifend. Etiam laoreet, dui eleifend fringilla cursus, magna eros dignissim dui, in lacinia arcu erat nec enim. Donec in est id eros imperdiet dictum nec in sapien. Fusce pretium ligula magna, sed pulvinar tellus dignissim in.



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis ac lorem vel lectus finibus placerat. Vivamus nec elementum orci, a sagittis libero. Fusce egestas augue ante, eu luctus magna convallis eu. Donec eget nibh ut orci lobortis imperdiet. Donec pellentesque quam a nulla eleifend tempus. Quisque facilisis iaculis nibh in elementum. Mauris porta cursus ante in dictum.

Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Quisque dolor magna, fringilla congue tempor eget, tempus ut ipsum. Maecenas feugiat erat at velit tempor commodo. Donec iaculis pharetra ligula eu pellentesque. Suspendisse venenatis nulla leo, eu porttitor leo aliquet eu. Praesent luctus mi a imperdiet egestas. Phasellus bibendum tincidunt ultricies. Sed vestibulum eros turpis, ac venenatis orci lacinia ac. Aliquam semper scelerisque libero, nec lobortis mi tristique quis. Quisque eget blandit purus.

Praesent ultricies felis ac molestie dignissim. Sed eu ornare ante, id pellentesque lectus. Nullam dapibus dapibus nisl, et volutpat justo mattis vitae. Sed placerat laoreet nisi. Proin mollis lorem felis, sed consequat felis cursus eget. Proin aliquam augue porta diam dictum, a porta ipsum consectetur. Sed eget cursus erat. Phasellus id imperdiet tortor, eget semper purus. Donec sagittis elit in rutrum eleifend. Etiam laoreet, dui eleifend fringilla cursus, magna eros dignissim dui, in lacinia arcu erat nec enim. Donec in est id eros imperdiet dictum nec in sapien. Fusce pretium ligula magna, sed pulvinar tellus dignissim in.

Maecenas sodales interdum augue eu convallis. Maecenas molestie auctor velit. Ut id venenatis lacus, eget vestibulum magna. Fusce in sollicitudin nisi. Ut placerat sapien non quam facilisis, ac aliquam felis pharetra. Donec sapien dui, interdum rutrum risus sit amet, pellentesque euismod augue. Ut fermentum erat nibh, nec suscipit lorem dapibus ut. Sed nec volutpat ligula.

In magna ligula, convallis id consectetur in, rutrum vel sapien. Aliquam id fermentum nibh. Cras dictum sapien sit amet molestie suscipit. Vestibulum vitae leo ac mi placerat vestibulum. Donec posuere, est in fermentum ultricies, est purus varius lacus, euismod convallis ex mauris eget lectus. Proin eget nunc vitae urna auctor euismod. Morbi sed ex vel ligula tempor vestibulum. Maecenas bibendum varius augue a rutrum. Pellentesque id felis ut felis rutrum viverra. Etiam bibendum suscipit dictum. Sed leo lacus, porta aliquet quam in, mattis feugiat arcu.





Standard Gas Sampler


General use for gas sampling. A key feature of the GSM is the switching valve that directs flow. As with all our grab sample panels, a range of additional instrumentation is available.

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Recommended for non-toxic gases and systems when the return is sent to flare. See page 11 of this guide for details.

Standard Gas Sampler with Purge


General use for gas sampling. Purge option clears sample gas before and/or after sample collection.

Get Started
Recommended for gases that are toxic or with condensable hydrocarbons and systems when the return is sent to flare. See page 12 of this guide for details.

Continuous Flow Gas Sampler

General use for gas sampling when continuous flow is required from inlet to outlet.
Get Started
Recommended for gases that are non-toxic gases and for samplers installed directly in the sample stream, on a fast loop; and where long sample transport lines are used. See page 15 of this guide for details.

Continuous Flow Gas Sampler with Purge

General use for gas sampling when continuous flow is required from inlet to outlet. Purge option clears sample fluid from the sample transport lines before and/or after sample collection.
Get Started
Recommended for gases that are toxic or with condensable hydrocarbons and for samplers installed directly in the sample stream, on a fast loop, or where long sample transport lines are used. See page 16 of this guide for details.

Standard Liquid Sampler


General use for liquid sampling. Purge option (using gas or a solvent) clears fluid before and/or after sample collection.

Get Started
Recommended for fluids that are non-toxic and are not susceptible to settling in the sampler and for when the return is sent to flare. See page 9 of this guide for details.

Standard Liquid Sampler with Purge


General use for liquid sampling. Purge option (using gas or a solvent) clears fluid before and/or after sample collection.
Get Started
Recommended for fluids that are toxic or may settle in the sampler and for when the return is sent to flare. See page 10 of this guide for details.

Continuous Flow Liquid Sampler


General use for liquid sampling when continuous flow is required from inlet to outlet. Purge option (using a gas or solvent) clears the sample fluid from the sample transport lines before and/or after sample collection.
Get Started

Recommended for liquids that are non-toxic and are not susceptible to settling in the sampler; and for samplers installed directly in the sample stream, on a fast loop, or where long sample transport lines are used. See page 13 of this guide for details.

Continuous Flow Liquid Sampler with Purge


General use for liquid sampling when continuous flow is required from inlet to outlet. Purge option (using a gas or solvent) clears the sample fluid from the sample transport lines before and/or after sample collection.

Get Started
Recommended for liquids that are toxic and may settle in the sampler; and for samplers installed directly in the sample stream, on a fast loop, or where long sample transport lines are used. See page 14 of this guide for details.

Simple Liquid Sampler


General use for liquid sampling.

Get Started
Recommended for non-toxic liquids. See page 29 of this guide for details.

Simple Liquid Sampler with Purge


General use for liquid sampling. Purge option clears sample fluid before and/or after sample collection.

Get Started
Recommended for non-toxic liquids that may settle in the sampler. See page 30 of this guide for details.

Continuous Flow Liquid Sampler


General use for liquid sampling when continuous flow is required from inlet to outlet.

Get Started
Recommended for non-toxic liquids; samplers installed directly in the sample stream, in a fast loop, or where long sample transport lines are used. See page 31 of this guide for details.

Continuous Flow with Purge


General use for liquid sampling when continuous flow is required from inlet to outlet. Purge option clears sample fluid from the sampler before and/or after sample collection.

Get Started
Recommended for non-toxic liquids that may settle in the sampler; and for samplers installed directly in the sample stream, in a fast loop, or where long sample transport lines are used. See page 32 of this guide for details.

Liquid Sampler with Back Purge


Purge and back purge allow both the needle and inlet line to be purged before and/or after sample collection. Recommended for non-toxic liquids with long stagnant sample inlet lines.

Get Started
Not recommended for processes that cannot tolerate the introduction of purge gas. See page 33 of this guide for details.

Liquid Sampler with Fixed Volume


Fixed volume sampling prevents overfilling of the sampler. A sample is drawn into a fixed volume reservoir, held, and then dispensed into a sampler.

Get Started
Recommended for ensuring 60-80% fill of the sample container. This requires a sample bottle that is larger than the fixed volume reservoir. See page 34 of this guide for details.

Liquid Sampler with Fixed Volume and Continuous Flow


Fixed volume sampling prevents overfilling of the sampler in systems where continuous flow is required from inlet to outlet. A sample is drawn into a fixed volume reservoir, held, and then dispensed into a sampler.

Get Started
Recommended for ensuring 60-80% fill of the sample container (requires a sample bottle that is larger than the fixed volume reservoir); and for samplers installed directly in the sample stream, in a fast loop, or where long sample transport lines are used. See page 35 of this guide for details.

Next, this matrix helps you get started with product selection

See common system criteria and the system recommended for the listed combinations.
“The basic layouts the Swagelok experts have designed were really helpful in narrowing down what we needed – and then we were able to make the proper modifications to meet our precise needs.”

Lab Lead
US Chemical and Refining Company


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