Handling Negative Pressure: Where to see Swagelok vacuum products
by Jeff Hopkins, on 2/15/13 11:30 AM
Exhibit and downloads for pros at building vacuum systems
Vacuum technology takes a different kind of thinking -- almost an upside-down kind of thinking -- since it means dealing with negative pressure. There are very few absolutes, and even some common terms can cause confusion because of conflicting definitions in the industry. We have the expertise to give support and technical information on dealing with vacuum systems.
Some of that will be on display in San Jose on Feb. 21 at the 34th Annual Vacuum Equipment Exhibition. Admission is free, and if you show up at noon for the start of the exhibit, you can have a complimentary lunch. We'll be happy to talk to you about how we can help with any of your vacuum needs.
The exhibit will be at the Holiday Inn San Jose Airport, 1350 N. First St., from noon to 6 p.m. But if you can't make it to San Jose that day, you can still download information and specifications on vacuum tubing products, our Ultra-Torr vacuum fittings, and various other fittings used in vacuum systems.
Note: This exhibit is also a good opportunity to get a demonstration of our Electronic Desktop Reference. The eDTR puts Swagelok catalogs, technical bulletins, installation instructions, videos, archives and more on a flash drive no bigger than your finger. You'll see in person how much easier it is to use than fumbling through multiple catalogs or binders to find what you need.